Monday, March 17, 2008

one night stand

written on february 2, 2008.

i came home with a big bunch of flowers last night. the guards in my dormitory must have thought it was an early valentines bouquet from a filthy rich suitor; or that i already heated up my valentines a tad too early what with coming home at past one a.m. :o

the flowers were from a wedding reception in tagaytay which we coordinated last night. this is the on-call job that i recently got myself to fill up my weekends, when homesickness breaks my heart badly. eight inches in diameter, these flowers were used as table centerpieces quite big for one to carry. but i brought home one anyway to give my room a semblance of home. the arrangement was elaborate, as elaborate as the wedding, with crystals pierced here and there and chinese tassles dangling from its base. beautiful. hah, i slightly opened my door for fifteen minutes today (which i rarely do) so others may notice. oooh naughty haughty kimee.

well, the rose bulbs, cabbage roses and stargazers indeed played their part sucking off all the gloom in my room that I'm afraid they might die come six tonight. :(

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